Effective team
building exercises
and activities for improving corporate team performance

Team Building Exercises

throughout the UK

Team Building Exercises and Team Challenge Events

Team building exercises outdoors

Outdoor Development Training Projects

Team Building Exercises

Conference Energisers

Indoor Teambuilding Exercises


07721 906030

E-mail for a proposal


An outdoor team building exercise


TkN delivers team building exercises tailored specifically to meet your training requirements.

Our team challenges and exercises are developed around two common-sense principles:

    • People explore their potential only when they take on a challenge;

    • Teams develop their potential most rapidly and effectively when individual team members support each other proactively and appropriately.

These two simple factors contribute to each and every exercise and development training project that we design.

We create teambuilding experiences ranging from 10-minute conference or team energisers to 72 hour business simulations, indoor and outdoor team challenges at hotels, conference venues and training centres throughout the UK.

We devise creative, cerebral, logical, abstract and occasionally physical team challenges according to your specific training objectives.

Our clients include Network Rail, Akzo Nobel, Warburton's, VHE Construction, BP, Medimmune, BAE Systems, Atkins, Vision Express, MOD, United Co-op, Unilever, Barclays, TNT, Hewlett Packard, AXA Insurance, Nokia, Peugeot, SAP, Debenhams, BT, O2, Welconstruct, Cranfield SOM, Churchill, Prudential, BRS Volvo, SIS and AstraZeneca.

Training Objectives and Outcomes

Each team building exercise, event or project is designed to generate experiential outcomes from which the team can learn. These example objectives are only a minor selection of our portfolio and our potential:

Team Building and Team Development
Team Bonding/Developing Relationships
Team Performance Development
Building Trust, Confidence and Interdependence
Team Leadership
Effective Team Communication
Team Bonding for New Teams and Teams with New Members
Customer Driven Performance
Defining the Future Team
Resolution of Interpersonal Issues

Request a Proposal


Team Building Events

Outdoor Team Building

Indoor Teambuilding Exercises


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Old Hutton, Kendal, Cumbria, LA8 0NH
07721 906030

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