Team Building Events
in the UK

Team Building Events
throughout the UK


Teambuilding Events and Team Challenges

Powerful teambuilding experiences!

07721 906030

Contact TkN


Outdoor Team Development Exercises


Event Design and Delivery

Working with your objectives and desired outcomes, we design highly retentive, enjoyable learning experiences for your teams.

An event can last just a few hours to a few days, anywhere in the UK, though some desirable activities are only available at specific venues. We create experiential learning opportunities using inter-team challenges, team leadership opportunities and personal development projects designed to enable significant changes in performance.

We design for indoor and outdoor team building events, and the level of physical, personal and team challenge is matched to your requirements.

Event Formats

We offer a range of event formats to suit our clients:

Competitive or Collaborative?

Energising and Experiential?

Team Challenge and/or Personal Challenge?

Performance Development Projects?

Outdoor Management Development?


Request information for your teambuilding programme?


Team Building Events

Outdoor Team Events




Contact Us

Home Page


Old Hutton, Kendal, Cumbria, LA8 0NH
07721 906030

E-mail TkN